V is for V-Neck

V is for V-Neck

Looking for v-neck tees?

We might be biased, but we think CAMP v-necks are the best! Our neck drops are not too low & not too high - just right. We have several women’s options to choose from - any of which would be the perfect canvas for your band, restaurant or sorority logo.

CAMP Collection Polly teeCAMP Collection Ventura teeCAMP Collection Will tee

L to R: Polly Tee, Ventura Tee, Will Tee

All colors and trims shown above are completely customizable. A heather grey Polly Tee with olive contrast? Yes! A ballet pink Will Tee with red, white and blue trim? You got it. The possibilities are endless, so start brainstorming! Our sales team can also suggest popular color combos.

CAMP Collection Joey tee

Ready to customize your own V-neck? Email us today to get started: sales@shopcamp.com

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